Lorain County Commisioners Jeff Riddell, David Moore, and Michelle Hung
Ohio Home Rule
Ohio is a home rule state, meaning that municipalities and counties have the ability to pass laws to govern themselves as they see fit, so long as they obey the state and federal constitutions. In addition, many state agency programs and services are administered and provided at the local level so that those resources can best meet the needs of those in the communities they serve.
Lorain County Governance
Lorain County provides a number of services to the citizens of the county which are overseen by three elected commissioners who appoint an administrator. Some of the services are overseen by other elected officials. Also, Lorain County contains a number of political subdivisions: 18 townships, 7 villages, and 9 cities which provide services to the citizens of their area. All with their own political subdivisions and political leadership.
These services are provided are purchased from the various taxes paid those who work and live in Lorain County, Ohio
Democracy is complicated, and it advances through its citizens participation.