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Avon Lake Municipal Court

The Courts

My only interactions with the courts in Lorain County has been with the probate court as the guardian of my father before his passing and being called once for jury duty. 


Ohio State Courts

Ninth District Court of Appeals
161 S. High Street
Akron, Ohio  44308
(330) 643-2250
(877) 526-8785 (toll-free outside Summit County)

The Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431

Federal Courts

The Northern District of Ohio
Carl B. Stokes U.S. Court House
801 West Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
(216) 357-7000

Northern Ohio US Bankruptcy Court
Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Courthouse
201 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1235
Phone: (216) 615-4300

Top Courts

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse
100 East Fifth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
(513) 564-7000

Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543


Lorain County Justice Center

Lorain County Justice Center
225 Court St,
Elyria, OH 44035

Avon Lake Municipal Court

Avon Lake Municipal Court
32855 Walker Road
Avon Lake, Ohio 44012
(440) 930-4103

The Avon Lake municipal court has jurisdiction within the municipal corporations of Avon and Sheffield in Lorain county.


Elyria Municipal Court

Elyria Municipal Court
601 Broad St
Elyria, Ohio 44035
(440) 323-1328

The Elyria municipal court has jurisdiction within the municipal corporations of Grafton, LaGrange, and North Ridgeville, and within Elyria, Carlisle, Eaton, Columbia, Grafton, and LaGrange townships, in Lorain county.


Lorain Municipal Court

Lorain Municipal Court
200 West Erie Avenue
Lorain, Ohio 44052

The Lorain municipal court has jurisdiction within the municipal corporation of Sheffield Lake, and within Sheffield township, in Lorain county.


Vermilion Municipal Court

Vermilion Municipal Court
687 Decatur Street
Vermilion, Ohio 44089
(440) 204-2430

The Vermilion municipal court has jurisdiction within the townships of Vermilion and Florence in Erie county and within all of Brownhelm township except within the municipal corporation of Lorain, in Lorain county.


Oberlin Municipal Court

Oberlin Municipal Court
85 S. Main St.
Oberlin, Ohio 44074

The Oberlin municipal court has jurisdiction within the municipal corporations of Amherst, Kipton, Rochester, South Amherst, and Wellington, and within Henrietta, Russia, Camden, Pittsfield, Brighton, Wellington, Penfield, Rochester, and Huntington townships, and within all of Amherst township except within the municipal corporation of Lorain, in Lorain county.

Lorain County Mayor's Courts

Except as otherwise provided in division of this section, the judge or judges of any municipal court established under division of section 1901.01 of the Revised Code having territorial jurisdiction outside the corporate limits of the municipal corporation in which it is located may sit outside the corporate limits of the municipal corporation within the area of its territorial jurisdiction.
Avon City Hall
36080 Chester Road
Avon, OH 44011
Grafton Village
Grafton VIllage Hall
960 Main St,
Grafton, Ohio 44044
Village of LaGrange
LaGrange Village
301 Liberty Street
LaGrange, Ohio 44050
Telephone:  (440) 355-4469
North Ridgeville
North Ridgeville City Hall
7307 Avon Belden Rd,
North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
(440) 353-0819

Village of Sheffield
Sheffield Village Court
4340 Colorado Avenue
Sheffield Villlage., Oh 44054
 (440) 949-6324
Sheffield Lake
CIty of Sheffield Lake
609 Harris Rd,
Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
(440) 949-7141