Elyria Sanitation Department

Remove the Hazards
Your Responsibility
Solid waste collection is one of the more dangerous jobs in the world since it exposes the workers involved to occupational hazards and predisposes them to certain occupation-related morbidities.
Help keep them safe. It is not a "somebody should do something about it" thing. Everyone produces waste and unless you are, mentally or physically not able, it is your duty and responsibility to manage your waste. Through your recycling efforts, waste reduction; litter prevention you can save your small part of the planet.
Puncture Wounds Solid waste collection is one of the more dangerous jobs in the world since it exposes the workers involved to occupational hazards and predisposes them to certain occupation-related morbidities. While a lot has been done one of the areas of potential risk is puncture wounds from bulk items. Puncture wounds do not usually cause much bleeding. But these wounds are often deep and can be dangerous because of the risk of infection. Removing screws and nails from items set out for bulk pickup held prevent these serious types of wounds. Bulk items are defined as large items of residential waste which, because of their volume, size, shape, or weight, cannot be placed for collection in City-issued garbage bins.